Our team has extensive experience in all matters concerning clubs and societies in Singapore. We have acted in a variety of matters from the inception and registration of a society or club, to disputes that may arise within the club or society or which involve the club or society. Examples of areas in which we are experienced and are able to advise and act include:
  • The establishment of a members club or proprietary club;
  • Registration of a club or society with the Registry of Societies;
  • Drafting the constitution or rules of a club or society;
  • Advising on issues concerning the constitution of a club or society;
  • Advising on internal disciplinary proceedings of a club or society;
  • Advising on the rights and privileges of a member of a club or society;
  • Advising on disputes between members of a club or society or between a member and the club or society;
  • Advising on the dissolution of a club or society;
Our team is committed to providing you with timely and practical advice in all issues which concern your club or society. While protecting the rights of our clients, our advice aims, as far as possible, to preserve the original nature and purpose of the club or society.
If you wish to seek our advice or know more about the support we offer, please call us at (65) 66220366 or contact:
Michael Palmer, Director lawyer
Michael Palmer